- Manubrium
- Jugular notch
- Clavicular notch
- Sternal angle (Angle of Louis)
- Xiphoid process
- Medial end (sternal end)
- Lateral end (acromial end)
- Head
- Shaft (diaphysis)
- Capitulum
- Trochlea
- Greater tubercle
- Lesser tubercle
- Intertubercular groove (bicipital groove)
- Anatomical neck vs surgical neck
- Radial groove (spiral groove)
- Deltoid tuberosity
- Medial epicondyle
- Lateral epicondyle
- Olecranon fossa
- Coronoid fossa
- Areola
- Nipple
- Suspensory ligaments
- Lactiferous ducts
- Understand location of retromammary space
- Axillary tail of breast (Tail of Spence)
- Pectoralis major muscle (clavicular head and sternocostal head)
- Deltopectoral triangle (deltopectoral groove)
- Pectoralis minor muscle
- Serratus anterior muscle
- Latissimus dorsi m.
- Teres major m.
- Subscapularis m.
- Coracobrachialis muscle
- Brachialis muscle
- Biceps brachii muscle
- Short head of biceps brachii
- Long head of biceps brachii
- Transverse humeral ligament
- Biceps brachii tendon
- Bicipital aponeurosis
- Triceps brachii muscle
- Long head
- Medial head
- Lateral head
Axillary artery:
- First (1st) part of axillary artery; one (1) branch:
- Superior thoracic artery
- Second (2nd) part of axillary artery; two (2) branches:
- Lateral thoracic artery
- Thoracoacromial trunk (artery) and its branches:
- Clavicular branch
- Acromial branch
- Deltoid branch
- Pectoral branch
- Third (3rd) part of axillary artery; three (3) branches:
- Anterior circumflex humeral artery
- Posterior circumflex humeral artery
- Subscapular artery (understand role in collateral circulation) and its branches:
- Circumflex scapular artery
- Thoracodorsal artery
Brachial artery:
- Deep artery of the arm/profunda brachii
- Ulnar artery
- Radial artery
Brachial Plexus
Understand parts of the brachial plexus:
- Roots (C5/C6/C7/C8/T1 nerve roots)
- Trunks
- Superior
- Middle
- Inferior
- Divisions
- Anterior
- Posterior
- Cords
- Lateral
- Medial
- Posterior
- Terminal Branches
- Musculocutaneous
- Median
- Ulnar
- Radial
- Axillary
- Nerves of the Brachial Plexus
- Dorsal scapular nerve
- Long thoracic nerve
- Suprascapular nerve
- Nerve to subclavius
- Lateral pectoral nerve
- Medial pectoral nerve
- Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm (medial brachial cutaneous nerve)
- Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm (medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve)
- Upper subscapular nerve
- Thoracodorsal nerve (middle subscapular nerve)
- Lower subscapular nerve
- Musculocutaneous nerve
- Lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
- Median nerve
- Ulnar nerve
- Axillary nerve
- Radial nerve
- Cephalic vein
- Basilic vein
- Median cubital vein
Clinical Correlates
- Lymphatics of breast
- Drainage pathways, concept of sentinel lymph nodes
- Axillary lymph nodes
- Importance of retromammary space
- Carcinoma of breast, clinical signs of:
- Invasion glandular tissue
- Interference with lymphatic drainage
- Cancerous invasion of lactiferous ducts
- Invasion of retromammary space, pectoral fascia or interpectoral lymph nodes
- Lumpectomy vs Mastectomy
- Amastia
- Polymastia
- Gynecomastia
- Dermatomes vs. peripheral cutaneous innervation
- Surface anatomy of thoracic wall
- Shoulder separation
- Fracture of clavicle
- Injury to branches of brachial plexuses: signs or syndromes
- What movements are weakened?
- What movements are absent?
- What sensory deficits result?
- Axillary lymph nodes: importance and drainage pattern
- Axillary lymph node sampling
- Brachial plexus injuries
- Rupture of long head of biceps brachii tendon – Popeye deformity
- Brachial artery
- Ischemia – Volkmann’s contracture
- Blood pressure
- Complications of humerus fractures
- Surgical neck
- Mid-shaft
- Supracondylar